Knee Osteoarthritis

Most of the people with advancing age feel pain which is more while climbing & squatting. Initially pain is managed by weight reduction for obese, lifestyle Chan, exercises and tablets. Some people need injection inside joint. For very advanced cases knee replacement is considered.

Frozen Shoulders

Pain and restricted movements can affect day to day life of patient. This condition is commonly seen with Diabetes. Pain control by tablets and stretching exercises remains standard answer. For selective patient steroid injection inside joint helps.

Spinal pain

Back pain and Neck pain are usually associated with long sitting and travelling. Regular exercises and modification of job helps a lot. Some people need thorough investigations.


Weakness of bone can give multiple bone pain. Condition is seen in under nourished people, lady after menopause and old age. Standard test is Bone Density along with blood tests. Supplements are given as per need and sometimes specific medicines are prescribed to strengthen bones.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Typical patient is Young female with multiple joint pain and morning stiffness. Standard pathology tests are needed to confirm the diagnosis. Special tablets are given. Treatment usually continues for many months or years

Heel pain

Maximum pain while putting weight in morning is felt. Checking for diabetes and uric acid is done. Usually exercises with pain killers serve the purpose. Occasionally steroid injection helps.

Tennis Elbow

Pain in the outer area of elbow is usually associated with frequent rotatory action of hand. Small injection for resistant cases needed

de Q's disease

Over use of thumb can lead to pain at base of thumb